Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Why do Christians hate Gays so much?

Recently Singapore's Pink Dot even just ended peacefully (phew) and in fact, it generated the highest attendance ever.... along with "Wear White" campaign by the religious rights to protest against their "alternate liftstyle"

Seriously, can someone please explain to me why christians (and other religions) hate gays and lesbians so much? I mean, the last time i read, adultery, pre-martial sex, divorce are all prohibited in the bible too!!

For the extreme fundamentalist who keeps referring to the olden days...

And to be fair to the anti-gay side (though u dont need this)

End of the day

I think we have more problems that are pressing than the private, personal lives of others...

This is my favourite image. I believe with time, we would understand that gays and lesbians did NOT choose their lifestyle. They had no choice, and they had to live with it.
Just like ages ago, when churches refuse to install lighting rod, for they refuse to intervene in God's powers. (Ironically the church is the tallest building in most towns and villages, and got struck and burnt down frequently)

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