Saturday, March 24, 2007

GST is to fund our minister's pockets.

A lot has been said about the proposed increase in pay for government civil servants.

$1.2m for the ministerial personal.
isn't that ridiculously a lot already?

We are already the #1 in the world paying our government leaders. Must they increase the gap?

Yes, yes, its benchmarked against top private sector earners, but then, private sectors command an extraordinary amount of risk.
CEOs do not earn their salary every year. If they do badly, they are gone.
The private sector do have a lingering memory, unlike the government.

Someone pointed out that lawyers earn that much partly because they invested capital in the firm to aquire equity and partnership.
Ministers do not need to fork out capital.

Above all, do we really need to increase minister's salary AFTER we increased the GST?

And to think we increase a regressive tax just so that we can improve the pay of the LOWEST 20% of Singapore society.

To do that, we need to increase tax by 2%.

then 2 mths later, we increase minister pay.

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