Monday, September 13, 2004


As a social responsible blog, its my duty to spread the correct political message


Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to get this important reminder out. To show support for our Presidential candidates, whomever they may be:

If you support the policies and character of John Kerry, please drive with your headlights on during the day on Friday.

If you support George W. Bush, please drive with your headlights off that night.

Thank you.


Of course I'm against Bush, who are you kidding?

Almost every policy he touched became a joke. What I can't fathom is that he is actually a serious contender for 2004 re-election.


How can u trust an Administration ruled by a Bush and a Dick?

See what I mean?

If I'm American, I would have designed a similar poster for Dick.

Either that or....

The ring! Of course, who would have known??

This is quite an interesting website. Copying the idea off the "subservient chicken", the website created by Burger king, we now have an even better subervient subject...

The Subservient president!!

Go on, watch it now, and courtesy of evolon, I shall give u a few of my favourite commands to issue. (you have to type the commands in the space and click "submit")

do a magic trick

address the united nations

my foreign policy

invade north korea

tap dance

impersonate nixon

cut taxes

find your national guard records


find WMDs

get drunk


Of course we can always get personal

laura bush

michael moore

kerry john

My all time favourite....

reveal himself

there are many many more. Go experiment! be creative!!

Of course I shall try to be fair and equal to both candiates, hence here's some positive images of Bush....

Haha. sorry about that.

I don't know which one I'd prefer, the predictability, stable but boring Singapore politics or the amusing and swinging american politics.

If michael moore was to make a film about Singapore like "Fahrenheit 911", you can bet my last dollar he will be sued, fined, and probably hauled to jail.

Iin the first place, I can't really find any decent opposition politicians. With opposition "freedom fighters" like Dr Chee Soon Juan, I seriously don't have a good choice when it comes to the electoral box.

Pardon my dismay, I can see the flaws of PAP (power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely) and their priority of capital over labour. but if u look at the underlying politics involved, Singapore is actually much more socialist than any PAPpie will wanna admit.

And not beating ard the bush (sorry can't resist the cheap thrill), my whole point is:- despite all the whining and complains about PAP's rulings, the opposition can only point them out, but what is the alternative?

We can't just listen to you merely because you are an alternate voice, we are smarter and more capable than you think, we have to know what is the alternate solution offered by you.

Can't think of any? Awwww, bashing singapore in the foreign media is really gonna get you my vote.

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