Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Inner Demons Part 2

i wrote an entry earlier about inner demons.

with it, i appealed to readers to ask yourself "what's your inner demons?"
I'm surprised there wasn't any response.

1) all of you guys are living great healthy lives and have absolutely no qualm.

2) your inner demon is soooo inner, that you can't share it with me.

so whats the answer? I'm really curious

Am i the only guy with baggage? with inbuilt hatred? with the desire to be with this someone who just took what I wanted to say constructively and rebuild it into a barrage of war?

hello, demons.


Kurakat said...

Why are you so preoccupied with the notion of inner demons?

S t a r m | s t said...

i've too many inner demons to count. ironically, was trying to resolve one yesterday and it turned out for the worse.

Cherub said...

aren't we all :)

1 by 1, my inner demons scored against me.

heh heh.

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