Thursday, March 17, 2005

Refining Data

Yes, I have finally started writing the 1st draft of my thesis this morning.

And thats after I learnt that my friends already submitted their drafts.

That's how ridiculously last minute I am.
14 more days.
how last minute. how exciting. how challenging.

its not that I'm lazy and refuses to work. okok, i'd admit that I'm lazy, but the main culprit is "procrastination".
I done an essay in JC about "why do people procrastinate". (needless to say, I finished it on the spot) and i remember one of the reason from the numerous readings the GP teacher handed out was....


yup, u procrastinate because u want the best.

I think I'm an extreme example.
There was this essay once that I badly wanted to submit 1 day in advance, so that I will have the day off & stay at home rather than in my hostel. So I started doing 2 days in advance.
It was a torture, I spent hours reading and churning out, a ridiculous 1 page introduction.

In the end, on the last night, I threw out the original introduction and done an entire essay in those hours. and a mighty impressive one, i have to boast.

I need the last minute adrenaline. the last minute excitement. the last minute stress.

nope, i did not see him at the library.

neither did i see Meg there....

there are lots of babes in the library it seems!!
i spent more time at the library in the past few weeks than the entire 4yrs of my NUS life.
and lots & lots of babes.

makes me damn pissed why I haven't been studying much for the past 4 yrs...
purely for research, of course.

The past few weeks have been spent in libraries, with each day lasting longer and longer. At a certain stretch, its library till 10pm and back to library 9am the next day.

and as much as i hate work......

i am actually enjoying this data-collection task. (either that or the numerous library babes..)

there are instances when I could make do with a particular set of statistics, but something in me bugs me, and i would be running off everywhere (literally) to verify different sources and refine the data.
not mere online research, but lots of offline sourcing (3 main libraries so far).
I would spent an entire morning just to adjust the data such that a more fair comparison can be assessed on the 30 years of data.
spent 2 days just to get some simple statistic correct for a REGRESSION.
and we know how much i absolutely hate regression.

this is so not me.

there is this huge sense of achievement when you managed to overcome the bureaucracies, the different accounting methodology over the years (oh how much i love singapore department of statistics), the different technical terms used by different government departments, even WITHIN in some department (oh how much I love singapore department of statistics) and of course, the super slow response of some organisations (oh how much i love singapore department of statistics; is it me or is this getting too frequent?) or even lack of response.

yes, i almost jumped in joy when i figured out a particular data.

tats how nerd i am.
tats how accomplished my life is.


Merenwen said...

I see the thesis is no longer much of a crisis. =D

And hey, I may have been one of the babes you saw in the library (a plump babe, but a babe nevertheless. Heh).

Cherub said...

lol. its still a crisis.

since tat day, i have barely written anything.

oh we go again....

mrkiasu said...

I am doing the same thing also, i have exactly 14 days before the deadline for my draft. Working 20 hours each day!

Cherub said...

haha! mr kiasu...
20hrs of work each day, and 3 hrs of blog surfing? :P

left 1 hr for sleeping only ah...

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