Friday, April 14, 2006

$, sex, & fat

i was talking to minyii about lending money

and I realised how much i hate lending money now.
I loaned $300 out these 2days to 2 person and I know at least $100 is gone.
yeh i know its for a good cause, coz both of them really need the money, thats why I can't say no to them......

i hate being taken for a ride, and being unappreciated.

I HATE ASKING FOR MONEY BACK. its my own money, for god's sake, why am I going through this asking process.

minyii insisted that I'm getting cynical.


as 2 good economists, we discussed it in the rational way.

Free-Rider Problem
Tragedy of the Commons

Thats why money borrowed won't be returned promptly......and within 5 minutes of this discussion....

i have no idea why, but the topic deviates to virginity

isn't it amazing? double standard? how guys can lose their virginity to pros and go on and on abt how important virginity is to women?

isn't it simply amazing that interesting conversations always revolve around money or sex?
Especially Money AND sex.

PS: yes the topic did touch on "am i fat?", the no.1 topic for girls
sigh. girls.


pj said...

oh i SO get you! Its happened so many times - I lend people money that I know I'll never see again. If it comes back, I'll just be glad for the 'bonus'.
I don't regret 'lending' or more like 'giving' the money, but sometimes, I can't help but wonder if I am being taken for a ride.

and yes, the world revolves around fat, money and sex. c'est la vie.


Cherub said...

i am fine with money and sex. :D

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