Friday, December 30, 2005

Grouses & Counsel


the sweetest apple attracts the most flies.

I would love to whine, but unfortunately so many bad things have befell my close friends that my grouses seem to be nothing more but ripples across the lake.

thats the annoying thing abt this job, i can't whine to most of my friends coz they are my clients or clients to be. and i can't whine to some others coz they were insurance agents before and they hold a partisan view of this line.

but thats not the crux of the matter.

one kind soul prodded more into the crisis and i find myself trying to explain the workings of the industry more than my problem.

with regards to work, and sigh, love,
I have given advice so rapturously these few weeks that I have to add a disclaimer to my advice.

I seldom practise what I preach.

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