Monday, November 12, 2007

An outstanding birthday

I have planned to celebrate my birthday in glory.

Dress nicely, go out.
Eat at nice place.
nice atmosphere, nice food.

Splurge on myself for once.

but something more important than me popped out.

who am i to fight?

So it was moved to the weekend.

Once again, the whole sunday have to be postponed cancelled.

the worst birthday ever.

When you need a laptop, who's the one that drove all the way north to pass you.

When you need to buy a particular thing at a particular shop down south (woe to the budget shops at HDB areas or at cheapskate shopping malls, they are too lousy for your sophisticated needs), who's the one that drove you down.

Who's the one that drove you to buy flowers for your function?

Who's the one that accompanied you when you need to work?

Who's the one that drove to take care of you when your night of fun ended up with you being drunk and crying?


And all I want is my OWN laptop for work, and it is too troublesome for you to deviate from a south-bound journey to pass me a simple bloody laptop?

Don't give me the crap of you taking taxi all the way down to pass me and then take taxi back. Your taxi fare.
You are willing to spend so much money on 2 guests so that they can sleep more.

Then why the hell am I spending so much money on you so that you can save your expenses...... .....only for you to spend on other people?

Do you know that I have been trying to save so that I can pay for your LASIK? I have been watching my bills so that I can buy you a proper PC for your home?

I try my best to save so that you can splurge on 2 strangers to sleep 15minutes more??

On my bday, I have to be 2nd, 3rd grade citizen. I have enough. I gave you only the best. I spend on you so that you can enjoy ur own salary for urself, not to splurge on strangers.
I keep my weekends as free as possible because you need me.
I keep those nights free so that you can use my laptop and I can accompany you till late.
I sleep at your place so that I can drive you to work so that you can sleep more in the morning.

YOU tell me that you want those 2 guests to sleep more in the morning, at my expenses.

I am your boyfriend, not your bloody sucker.

This is one of the saddest moments.

When emotions erupted in the car, instead of you concerned about my feelings, you are concerned over your own face, your pride.

You cared that we quarrelled in front of your guests, coz I lost your face.

You didn’t care about my feelings or the issue at hand.

You were very very concerned about your pride and their comfort zone.

I am really sad over this. This is not the 1st time we faced this situation. If you think you prefer your pride and face, please don’t choose me.


Guest Priority.

I am simple less important than a guest.

In my family, i care for those that I love more and care more.
If a guest is in my home, rest assured I will treat him well, but not at the expenses of my own relatives and loved ones.

I would never treat someone i love better than a guest.

Please don’t tell me this is your mum’s opinion, not yours.

I have seen you disagree and argue with her. If you feel you are right, you won’t have called me to say no.

In any case, you are her daughter and my bf. Its your role to remind her that your bf is important. Far more important than your 2 guests. THEY ARE YOUR GUESTS, not your mum’s.

Unless of course, you yourself don’t feel that I am more important.

If your family prefer a guest, then I am afraid i would not lower myself down. I would prefer always be a guest and a perfect stranger to your family. At least I enjoy higher status than a man in your family. A man with no respect.

You said you love me. I am afraid it doesn’t show.

You do not know how to love a person. Loving a person doesn’t mean saying it only. It means treasuring and taking care of the person like he is the 1st person in your life.

I am very saddened by your lack of understanding.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Welcome to South Africa

One of the most developed nation in the world, located in the worst developed continent.

A nation where much of the wealth centred on the whites.

The only country in the world which developed the nuclear bomb but voluntarily chose to dismantle and gave up its nuclear program.

One of the highest crime rate in the world.
One of the highest rape statistic in the world.

The nation of the continent where they called cradle of human race.

Welcome to South Africa!
Cape Town. Sun City. Johansbury (sp?)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Flash Photography

some photography tricks for people who love taking photos.
remember, always use flash for your photographs!!
flash is very good.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Composite Beauty - a Standard Beauty

Read in details here

Composite images - how we can check our standard definition of beauty.

I think its interesting how composites of a particular group of girls can reveal our beauty standards....

like some girls who like to tell guys all the same, all like girls with rebonded hair, make up, big eyes.


another one regarding

Read more details here.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The 2nd Epsiode- The USA Trip

it was good. for a few days.

i did not realise this before, but upon reflection and discussion, we realised that the Princess was usually the one that dash to the bathroom first upon reaching the hotel.
without due concern for others.

2ndly, on the 1st day, she used up the entire bottle of shampoo without caring whether the rest would need it. Again i not obvious to this.
she's simply blind to her own selfish manners.

going Grand Canyon was very out-of-the-way from Las Vegas.
The original plan was to drive from Denver to Las Vegas, and along the way, we can drop by Grand Canyon and stay for 1 night.

The Knight refused to drive, citing safety concerns. (someone may say he has no balls, but i reserve comments on this, since I've small balls.)

So in what i termed later as the Grand Strategy of the Grand Order, the princess who is overwhelming in favour of driving for Grand Canyon, the Lady who knows that a car is a must in USA, and the Jester who obviously prefers a car....

All 3 of us wanna drive.
All 3 of us followed the Knight's decision to abandon the car for the plane.
How he managed to convinced 3 of us, amazes me till this day.

So in LV, i felt that driving to Grand Canyon was pretty bad.
its a 4hours drive to, so a daytrip would consist of 8hours of driving.

(i used the Grand Canyon Information Centre as a landmark, which gave me 4hours away. i was later corrected by the Knight that that is the most eastern part of Grand Canyon. we can see the western part in 2hours of driving)

Both the Knight and me seen it before, so we can miss it.
In our private conversation, we thought of convincing the girls to abandon Grand Canyon. The drive was simply not worth it.

The Lady was disappointed but she accepted it.
The Princess was disappointed but she accepted it (i think).

Not to fear, the Knight in shinning armour came to her rescue!

We were going to check out the helicopter packages to Grand Canyon when the 2nd incident happened.

The Lady was browsing the postcards when the Princess and the Knight just decided to forge ahead, abandoning her. At first, the Jester was blur. He followed suit, forgetting about the Lady. (my bad)
But how can we abandon a Lady?

He protested, but the Knight and Princess said they will be just in front.

The Jester and the Lady went to the next building, the M&M building (M&M chocolate themed 4 stories building)
While the Lady was posing for photos with 2 M&M live models, the Jester went to call back the front scouts.

"hey come back leh, we wanna go to the M&M"
"i wanna take pictures!"
"take later lah, we go M&M first"

she forged ahead. but i managed to pull her back and three of us walked to the M&M.
See. so selfish. We always wait for her, and she can't even wait for us!

"dont worry, i ensure you that its worth it. you will have a good photo opportunity later" (i was thinking of the 2 live M&M models)
"i take already"

wah liew. I can't put the tone in a blogpost, but basically the tone, and this conversation was in mandarin so very hard to duplicate it here in this post....
wth is this? you take already then cannot wait for us to take izzit??

I got very angry for the 2nd time.
But i endured, thinking that its still a long USA trip.

i fumed to the top floor.

And then I simply lost my cool when the Knight approached.

"jester, you stay here with the Lady, Princess and I go to the next building ok"

okok, i did not mutter nabei. or else it would have been funny.
but I really lost my cool because this is soooo Princess!!
we always wait for her! and she can't wait for us.
And the Knight always go for her wish, while unconsciously diminishing the Lady and the Jester's importance.



We split for the next few days.
Princess and her royal Knight went for excursion to the Grand Canyon (i tot the knight also not interested in Grand Mountains, maybe he interested in the Grand Peaks.)

The Lady and Jester went around Las Vegas.

By the last day of LV, we got back and only do small talks.
Let me remind everyone that there was no sorrys from anyone.
Only the Knight told us that he did screw (verbally lah) the Princess.

"I told Princess, 'Jester thinks you're very selfish!'"

I kept quiet that time when I heard it, but hello mr knight, so I think that she's very selfish but you don't lor.
So its just "jester think..."

think only mah.

So even without the sorry, we slowly cooled down.
the last day of LV, the princess behaviour crops out again, even annoying the Knight in Shinning Armour.

But thats for another blogpost.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The 1st Episode- USA Trip

At first, it was good.

4 people sharing a bathroom.
So in the morning, obviously there is a need to wait.

On the 1st day of MDRT, we were supposed to reach the centre early.
So the Princess & the Knight washed up, and they left.
Called and suggest they go book seats for us.

Please don't say till like we are late and you guys are waiting for us.
We were waiting for you two to finish your turn at the bathroom!!

The Lady was angry, I was fine.
But the very 1st anger burned into me on the last day of MDRT.

Irrationality upon me.

So the Princess, lost her official tag.
Without the tag, you cannot enter the premises.

Fair enough, so we decided to enter separately.
For example, the Lady, the Princess and the Knight would enter with 3 passes (including my pass) and then the knight would come out with 2 passes and bring me in.

So after the main talk, we wanted to go the sales area.
The Knight went in 1st, so I took the Knight's pass and went out for the Princess.
Instead of just appreciating, she declined, saying that the Knight would need the pass.

"i can't take it, the knight needs his pass"
"nooooo, he is already inside."
"its his pass, i can't"
"just take it and come in, we are all shopping inside."
"no, i do not want to wear someone's else pass"
"can u just take it and come in, we can't be shopping in peace if you stay here alone!"

and she storms off.


The Jester abhors irrationality.

The Final Storm

We went to the hotel's internet room to plan, to settle our car rentals, to print maps.
So knowing full well that the Princess contributed very little in the planning days, I opened a website and asked her to book the car rentals for those days we are in Las Vegas.

"how to book"
"just follow the steps there, its easy"
"i dunno the dates"


I opened the gmail to open our excelsheet, with all our dates. she sat there, face-black.

The knight took our bags and suggested bringing up the bags up for us. In that second, the Princess stood up and rushed off, "I will bring it up"
and abandoned the workplace.


The final storm in the MDRT days triggered our 1st confrontation. A confrontation that the Knight was so reluctant to attend. Can you believe the 3 of us took 40minutes to decide to confront the Princess?

The confrontation ended positively. But it was only temporary.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

bad trip

This has been a bad trip.

Worries about a girlfriend.
quarrels with a travelling colleague.

pondering of the career.

Friday, April 20, 2007

I'm really happy


I found the most wonderful girl in the world.
My life is full of sand.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Economics made easy

This is why I love economics.

economics made easy.

Pilot vs Funny Mechanics

Remember it takes a college degree to fly a plane but only a high school diploma to fix one. Reassurance for those of us who fly routinely in their jobs. After every flight, Qantas pilots fill out a form, called a "gripe sheet," which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The mechanics correct the problems, document their repairs on the form, and then pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight. Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humour. Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by Qantas' pilots ( marked with a P ) and the solutions recorded ( marked with an S ) by maintenance engineers. By the way, Qantas is the only major airline that has never had an accident.

P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.
S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.
P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.
S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.
P: Something loose in cockpit.
S: Something tightened in cockpit.
P: Dead bugs on windshield.
S: Live bugs on back-order.
P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent.
S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.
P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.
S: Evidence removed.
P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
S: DME volume set to more believable level.
P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
S: That's what they're for.
P: IFF inoperative.
S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.
P: Suspected crack in windshield.
S: Suspect you're right.
P: Number 3 engine missing.
S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.
P: Aircraft handles funny. (I love this one!)
S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.
P: Target radar hums.
S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.
P: Mouse in cockpit.
S: Cat installed.
And the best one for last..................
P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.
S: Took hammer away from midget.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Why I gave up

The emperor has abdicated.
Cursed by the golden flowers, the princess has left.

the rainbow has ceased and the emperor is back to being the Jester of life.

(this post is for neofik, and numerous others. i just remember one of the reason for blogging is coz I'm lazy to repeat & repeat on msn)

I'm a misogynist at heart.

One of the key plank of my dislike is that girls are irrational.

girls hate something about their boyfriend, whines about it.
the guy can be vulgar, violent, scold or hit the girlfriend.

the girl sobs about it.

But at the end of the day, she'll go running back to her boyfriend.

a period later, she will come and complain again.


This must be the part where they say "love is blind"

So I saw her in overseas. I saw the way she looks at him.
there was a twinkle in the eyes.

And I thought to myself, why would she be any different from all the girls I hate.

And in that moment, I took off the Crown of Love.

Women - Its impossible to please them

A store that sells husbands has just opened in New York City, where a
woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the
entrance is a description of how the store operates.

You may visit the store ONLY ONCE !

There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper
ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch . . .. you may choose any
man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you
cannot go back down except to exit the building!

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband . .

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

* Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.

The second floor sign reads:

* Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.

The third floor sign reads:

* Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, and are extremely
good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:

* Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead
good looking and help with the housework.

"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:

* Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead
gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign

* Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on
this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to

Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit
the building, and have a nice day!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Airport - To Cebu

How long was the last time I blogged at the airport?

hmmm....its been a while =)

rainbow after the storm
rainbow after the storm
rainbow after the storm.

I'll be fine.
Cebu will be fine.

Enjoy your travel, cherub.
remember, good things come after the storm.


7-Elevens & The Cebu Trip

I'm angry!

wah liew...i just visited at least....let me count...
1,2,3......10 7-Elevens???

WAh liew.

Do you know.....

..... every 7-Eleven carries soft-candy?
for the past few hours, i have been forgoing my beauty sleep and visiting 10 7-Elevens. All of them carries soft-candy.

Do you know.....
...... except for the last store, every #$!#$# store doesn't carry the dolphin soft-candy.


wah liew. I ish angry. I must write letter to 7-Eleven.

Dear 7-Eleven,



yours sincerely,
angry cherub

Do you know.....

..... every single 7-Eleven I visited just now is manned by Indian cashiers.

wah, is this a coincidence or wad. they pushing the indians to man the night-shift ah.

3 more hours to my flight to Cebu.
I desperately need a break, but this break is too in-the-middle-and-messing-up-my-life.

sigh. I can do with a good vacation in the sands.
building sand-castles.
jump into the water.

but somehow, i got a bad feeling abt this.
think must learn to protect myself before protecting others liao.......

Sunday, April 8, 2007

To learn to cook Part 1

I wanted to learn cooking.
then can cook for my wife nxt time. =p

so Aphrodite "taught" me the best way I can learn.
she cooked me lunch!

*cough cough* although i suspect i was the guinea pig.

I arrived at her house just when her mother was chiding her for making the pork chop too tough.
ok, cancel my tutorial for "pork-chop"

wow. didn't know cook pasta need so much herbs. the last few time i cooked pasta, it was a 2-dish event.

there was mashed potato, i learnt that a few extra stuff into the mashed potato will make it nicer. but also the consumer will get fatter.
hello!! spare the mayonnise leh!

so i learnt the correct way to cook pasta.
i learnt how to use herbs to enhance the flavour of the sauce (both tomato and cream-based)
i learnt how to mash potatoes with various condiments.
i learnt how to cook pork chops.

i also learnt how to wash plates.

oh well, every cooking lessons has its price.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

SIlly Dance

this is quite a funny video clip.
hehe, miss the days when i was younger.

think when we were young, we can do every silly thing =)
now now...if only i can find the video click of my NUSSU orientation performance dance...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Everyone likes me

a ridiculous amount of pple are trying to matchmake me!!

My agent's friend, who was introduced to me coz I want to recruit her into my agency force.
lets call her "V"

V called me out of the blue and asked me out for a drink, because she wanted to intro a hot-babe to me!!

haha!! and the funny thing is, V only talked to me once!
wth. why she wanna intro a hot-babe to me when she only talk to me once?

actually the girl is really a hot babe.

haha but too bad for her, i'm not available.
was trying to concentrate on recruiting V into my agency. argh.
(any guys wanna know this hotbabe, i can intro for u. me is not interested in her. but i demand a match-making fee ;) )

a friend whom i seldom talked to, asked me out for a birthday party, coz she said got some cool girls that she wanna intro me.

i went to Cafe De Mar feeling damn old, coz I didn't even know there is such a place called Cafe De Mar!!! (its this cool club at sentosa beach)


this girl msn-ed me and asked me how am i and the colleague i'm chasing. tat lor.
got chance?
think i no chance leh.
good, i wanna intro u my colleague!
-.-" i heartbroken, u still say good.
haiz.. y the gal reject u.. hm.. doesnt she noe u r a loyal bf.. its ok.. when u r ready i intro more gals to u ya...
i love this girl i am chasing, although i failed liao. but the heart still with her. so dun waste ur time

Eh when u joining me for insurance!!
i noe.. i wan some more time to tink..
cos my work is piling up like mad
okok i will sms u in 6days :)


moral of the story: when pple try to matchmake me, i shift the topic to insurance and they will disappear.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ribena is a "bat" juice

Look closer.

Your ribena doesn't contain as much Vitamin C as it claims!
1 large corporation, thwarted by 2 17-yo girls.

Shame on you, Ribena!
Shame on you, GlaxoSmithKline!

Honestly, even before this incident, Ribena is definitely 1 expensive health drink for kids.
To get the equivalent vitamins and nutrients, its so much cheaper to get plain juices or other packaged drinks.

Just check out this link..

Parents, stick to good old fruits and fruit juice!

The new 8am schedule

really tired from working and working and working.

waking up every morning is chore.
how do all these hardworking people survive?????

i think i have been sleeping abt 4-5hours per day.
its crazy, but I am actually alive. haha.

my personal production is quite strong, at least i'm having a very good running start.
my team is encouraged by my lead.
i've managed to turn my friend's business outlook over.
and i'm starting to exercise more!

wah. but this is v tiring siah.
worse than my thesis days....

oh wait...thesis days...HEE HEE HEE.
pple take 3 months to write a draft, i wrote it in 2days.

damn shiok.

(of course, my supervisor asked me to re-write after reading it....but still....)

hmmm i like to wake up early after all.....
at least, i'm reaching the pot of gold in my rainbow.......

Saturday, March 24, 2007

GST is to fund our minister's pockets.

A lot has been said about the proposed increase in pay for government civil servants.

$1.2m for the ministerial personal.
isn't that ridiculously a lot already?

We are already the #1 in the world paying our government leaders. Must they increase the gap?

Yes, yes, its benchmarked against top private sector earners, but then, private sectors command an extraordinary amount of risk.
CEOs do not earn their salary every year. If they do badly, they are gone.
The private sector do have a lingering memory, unlike the government.

Someone pointed out that lawyers earn that much partly because they invested capital in the firm to aquire equity and partnership.
Ministers do not need to fork out capital.

Above all, do we really need to increase minister's salary AFTER we increased the GST?

And to think we increase a regressive tax just so that we can improve the pay of the LOWEST 20% of Singapore society.

To do that, we need to increase tax by 2%.

then 2 mths later, we increase minister pay.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

brilliant quotes i used or heard these few days.

what's the difference between unconditional love and conditional love?

if i'm ur love rival and i see the things u do for her, i'll quit and wish you two happiness immediately.
-dear gay friend bock.

you're a very extreme person
-dear gay friend bock

i'm happy that you're happy.


-the female lead

you really 拿得起,even more 放得下 hor.
-dear gay friend bock
(how wrong can he be)

would u give us your blessing?
-the female lead

i really really like you. but not the way you like me.
-the female lead
*sigh sigh*

you're really a great guy. i really really want to be ur friend forever.
-the female lead

girls are cheap. the guy mistreat her, she will go back. again. and again. and again.
-rabbit papa
-many many guys

the dolphin i gave u is named 全感.
eh? why this name
the surname is 安.
-5 sec silence-
i know from the beginning, i don't provide a sense of security. really hope tat this will give u a sense of security =)

can i lie to you?
pls. just once
no! what you mean once?
i just want to lie to you once.
i don't love you.

sometimes... tears are purifying.

my best female friend, feathers, told me to cry.
i told myself, I'm a guy, and big boys don't cry.

beside, i cried enough for an ex-gf of mine.
i think its enough.

i didn't cry.
i wanted to, but i can't leh.

so i had to read a book.
Chicken soup for the soul.

feathers is right.
crying is good.

Monday, March 5, 2007

When I scream here, I'll be a happier man

I shall be a happier man.

i learnt (see previous post) that no one loves to be with a guy who whine, whine, and whine.
in my real life, I am going to the court jester.

i will be happy.
i will make pple happy.

and i'll throw and leave all my frustration here.
I'll blog negatively, crash and burn, and be the biggest whiner in blogosphere.
don't come here looking for happiness.

and this blog will be off-limits to most of my friends.
because, I'm going to scold them. here.

this is my mask.
this is my blog.

Blog. Because you need to scream.

Marital Bliss

Have you realise how difficult it is to find the one to spend the rest of your life?

You need:

1) Someone you love.
2) He/she loves you back.
3) You two are compatible in character
4) You two share the same interests.

The most difficult thing in the world.


Sunday, March 4, 2007

Blog because you need to scream.

this post from Cowboy Caleb gave me much food for thoughts.

Cowboy Caleb:

I have learned, the hard way that nobody is really interested in your problems unless it affects them in some way, or if your problem is kindoff their problem.

My heart knows that no matter how huge I think my problem is, there’s somebody out there with an even bigger problem. Think the parents of a newly born pair of siamese twins conjoined at the head. Or the orphan of a tsunami-hit poverty stricken village.

A well-liked man, is one who listens to other people’s problems - without ever sharing his own.

Think about it.

Do you really want to hangout with a loser that keeps on whining about how mommy didn’t love him? Or how the world shortchanged him at birth?

But everybody has to let off a little steam sometimes - so whaddayado?


Blog. because you need to scream.
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