Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Welfare Part 1

After spending so much time in hospitals and paying bills, I changed my perspective on the first insurance that you should buy.

#1 - Medical / Hospital Insurance

$2000 for a 30 minutes operation??? Hello medical industry, you're one expensive shit.

i have taken a turn for the nurse Posted by Picasa

Since I have been spending so much time in hospitals, i figured that if i don't get another insurance planner as a Significant Other, I may as well get a nurse/doctor girlfriend.

If fact, I can totally imagine this conversation..

cherub: oei, tomorrow I'm going your hospital again, I come meet u for lunch ok?
Significant Other: eh, i wanna eat lunch with my colleague can? I have been seeing u for the past week, i need some time off for my colleague leh....

Actually, I can totally imagine her too.

her name is nurse heartfelt. I'm serious! Posted by Picasa


channel U showing a houswife who can't afford her flat after the death of her husband.
the husband cancelled his insurance policy AFTER he got a stroke and had financial difficulties, hence dying without the payouts that would have pay for his flat.

this is damn sad, after getting a stroke, all the more u should continue the policy. sigh. u know, the government should help out pple like him, to pay for basic insurance for them when there is a dire financial situation.

Better than letting the widow suffering, being unable to feed her family properly, let alone meeting the monthly payment. And she can't sell the flat, coz its almost negative equity as her husband bought the flat for $220,000 and its only worth $170,000 now.

Negative Equity is such a bane.

And from what I heard, the HDB has not been very helpful to her cause, refusing to waive off the interest payment.

Sigh. sometimes social welfare (as opposed to the PAPpolitically correct "workfare") is really not an evil force.

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